Sunday, November 08, 2009

GCSE / AS / A2: Key Media Terms

Sign - the smallest unit of meaning within a media text
Denotation - the literal or actual meaning of an image, word or object
Connotations - the implied or suggested meanings of an image, word or object
Representation - the way a person, group, place or idea is "re-presented" by the media
Mediation - the 3 processes of re-presentation: 1 - Selection, 2 - Organisation, 3 - Focusing
Target Audience - a specific group of people who a media text is aimed at
Synthetic Personalisation - the false relationship created between a media text and the reader through the use of personal pronouns (I), direct address (you, your) of the reader and a variety of rhetorical devices ( this the end of the world?).
Institutions - the producers of media texts
Hypodermic Syringe Effect - this theory suggests that media audiences are passive and accept the messages and values within media texts without questioning them
Two Way Flow Model - this theory suggests that media audiences can reject media texts altogether (selective exposure) or they may simply reject certain ideas within a media text (selective perception)
Uses and Gratifications - this theory suggests that media audiences are entirely active using the media for a variety of specific needs
Textual Analysis - the process of breaking a media text down by its component parts - in the case of a film this would include: the camera angles, mise-en-scene, editing and sound
Composition - the way a media text has been put together, e.g.: the front cover of a magazine
Surface Reality - this is a judgment as to how truthful or realistic a media text appears on first viewing
Verisimilitude - this is a measure of how truthful or realistic a media text is after closer textual analysis

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